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Ruth Thomas
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Novice RankNovice Rank
This user account status is Approved
Registration Badge
Level 1
Registration Badge
  • Points for "Website Registration" x 1 OR
  • Points for "Ultimate Member - Completing registration" x 1
Anniversary Badge
Level 1
Anniversary Badge
  • Points for "Anniversary" x 1 OR
  • Points for "Birthday" x 1
Daily Visit Badge
Level 1
Daily Visit Badge
  • Points for "Website Visit" x 1
Viewing Badge
Level 1
Viewing Badge
  • Points for "Viewing Content (Member)" x 1 OR
  • Points for "Viewing Content (Author)" x 1
Login Badge
Level 1
Login Badge
  • Points for "Logging in" x 1 OR
  • Points for "Ultimate Member - Logging via UM Login Form" x 1
Publishing Badge
Level 1
Publishing Badge
  • Points for "Publishing Content" x 1
Level 2
Publishing Badge
  • Points for "Publishing Content" x 10
Commentator Badge
Level 1
Commentator Badge
  • Points for "Approved Comment" x 1 OR
  • Points for "Form Submission (Contact Form 7)" x 1
Level 2
Commentator Badge
  • Points for "Approved Comment" x 10 OR
  • Points for "Form Submission (Contact Form 7)" x 5
Ambassador Badge
Level 1
Ambassador Badge
  • Points for "Visitor Referral" x 2 OR
  • Points for "Signup Referral" x 2
Level 2
Ambassador Badge
  • Points for "Visitor Referral" x 10 OR
  • Points for "Signup Referral" x 10
Great Profile Badged
Level 1
Great Profile Badged
  • Points for "Ultimate Member - Uploading Profile Photo" x 1 AND
  • Points for "Ultimate Member - Updating Profile" x 1 AND
  • Points for "Ultimate Member - Updating Account" x 1 AND
  • Gained 1 for "Ultimate Member - Uploading Cover Photo"